An Olio
a miscellany of thoughts

December 31, 2005


The Year of the Sheep

Excerpts from Garrison Keillor's 1/1/06 column in the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

"The moment for personal reform has come, the dawn of a new year, and my resolutions are as follows:

(1) If you see something, say something. (Sign on the New York City subway.)

(2) Don't project. (Advice given by a friend when I was stewing about ominous things lurking in the future.)

(3) Be appropriate. (Sign in a grade-school classroom in Seward, Neb.)....

Scripture tells us that we are like sheep, and as usual God is right on the mark. We grazing animals bumble around as coyotes or cougars never would do. They are targeted to go straight for the kill, like the guys on AM talk radio who go after Bill and Hillary for three hours a day Monday through Friday and rip them to pieces. They have been at this for 12 years. Loners in radio studios talking to loners in cars....

Sitting here in the neighborhood coffeehouse, among the strivers at their laptops, the old guys playing chess, the UPS men on break, the lady doing the crossword (ed.-- that would be me!), one does not think about greatness. One enjoys the simple creaturely pleasure of being among one's own kind."

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